During the virtual GLOBECOM 2020, IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals hosted multiple sessions on career growth, volunteering and collobartion. These webinars were exclusively targeted at early career professionals attending the conference, but also open to anyone not attending the conference. Speakers for webinars included many experts such as Gerhard Fettweis from TU Dresden, Lajos Hanzo from Univ of Southampton, Hao Xu from Qualcomm Research China, etc. There was also a session dedicated to YP Award winners. Here are some highlights of all the sessions.

During a Fireside session Gerhard Fettweis and Meryem Simsek shared experience from their excellent work in 5G and provided some guidelines for early career professionals (specially Do’s and Don’ts). We believe that some of the attendees became motivated for their next steps in resarch career, hope you were one of those.

Are you ready for a Quantum Leap? Once again, following up from ICC’ 2020, Prof Lajos Hanzo extended his discussions during IEEE ComSoc YP event at Globecom 2020 while motivating audience towards taking their Postdoc / PhD dive into Quantum Computing and / or Quantum Communications. A highlight around Qistik and discussions generated by the audience around various other Quantum Simulators was phenomenal.

Have you been able to impress industry with your research vision? For the very first time, Prof Halim Yanikomeroglu shared his wisdom during the IEEE ComSoc YP event @ Globecom 2020 around establishing successful relationships with industrial collaborators while maintaining a healthy trade-off on technical outcomes via top-quality IEEE transactions publications, contributions in standards, and much more. A highlight, based on audiences interest, revolved around building and more importantly maintaining a high-level of trust at all fronts.

We also announced our annual award winners and highlighted talent of other rising stars of ComSoc. Congratualtions to all again, and if you are interested to read about these exceptional YPs you can do so in our blog.