In 2015, the IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals Standing Committee has established the annual IEEE ComSoc Best Young Professional (YP) Award, one for each of the following areas: a) Academia; b) Industry. The purpose of the IEEE ComSoc Best YP Awards is twofold:
- To acknowledge and promote worldwide the remarkable achievements of Young Professionals (YPs) to the communications field in Academia and Industry;
- To encourage effective participation of YPs in IEEE, ComSoc and the IEEE Young Professionals community.
Rules & Eligibility
Both Self and non-self Nominations are allowed.
In order to be eligible for any of the two ComSoc YP awards, the candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Nominees must be YPs, i.e., the nominees must have received their first post-secondary degree (e.g. Bachelor’s level or an associate degree) within the past 15 years, relative to the nomination deadline. If this criterion is not met, the nominee must have “opted-in” to the IEEE Young Professional membership.
- Nominees are required to be members of IEEE ComSoc.
- Nominees from any country are eligible.
- Previous recipients of the IEEE ComSoc Best YP Awards are not eligible.
- The awards must be received by the winners in person at GLOBECOM 2018. No award will be made in absentia, except under extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the IEEE ComSoc YP Award Selection Committee.
- Nominees can apply for only one IEEE ComSoc Best YP Award (i.e. in Academia, or Industry). Applications for different awards by the same nominee will be rejected.
- According to the selected award, the nominees must meet additional criteria, as specified in the following:
Academia – Rules & Eligibility
- Nominee for the IEEE ComSoc Best YP in Academia Award must be a young scientist or engineer who is currently working for academia at any level (Ph.D. student, PostDoc fellow, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor) and who has made significant contributions in the communications field. Priority will be given to nominees that prove significant contributions within the IEEE ComSoc’s field of interest.
Industry – Rules & Eligibility
- Nominee for the IEEE ComSoc Best YP in Industry Award must be a YP who is currently working for a company and who has demonstrated significant contributions to the industry in terms of innovative research and/or development of concepts, frameworks, products, services in the communications field. Priority will be given to nominees that prove significant contributions within the IEEE ComSoc’s field of interest.
Application Procedure
Required documents:
- Nomination Letter (max. 1 page): The Nomination Letter has the aim of highlighting the nominee’s suitability for the selected award also in terms of innovative and creative nature of the nominee’s work, significance of the nominee’s work with respect to the broader ComSoc community, previous contributions to the IEEE ComSoc YP;
- Nominee’s Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages);
- Screen shot of the nominee’s membership status;
- List of nominee’s key publications and patents (max. 2 pages) for the Academia Award;
- List of nominee’s technical and leadership achievements which may include publications and patents if any(max. 2 pages) for the Industry Award.
The candidates should:
- submit the required documents as a single PDF document, by 30 September, 2018 via https://goo.gl/Z7nVPD
- email to comsocYP@COMSOC.ORG once the above form has been submitted by cc-ing all the three selected referees. In the object of the email please indicate the selected award.
Results and Awards
The IEEE ComSoc Best YP Award recipients will be announced on Monday 10th of December, 2018 during the ComSoc Young Professionals Event at GLOBECOM 2018, in Abu Dhabi, AUE.
The winners will each receive a plaque and complementary registration to the COMSOC YP Event. (Transportation and accommodation are excluded.) The winners would be featured also on COMSOC YP website and social media outlets (i.e. Facebook and Twitter). In particular, they will have the chance to be interviewed about their results and achievements and these interviews will be published on the COMSOC YP website and social media outlets.