Many Young Professionals are working on interesting noteworthy communication related ideas and concepts that needs to be showcased to educate, inspire or solicit feedbacks. If you are one of these Young Professionals, then the ComSoc YP lightning talks is an ideal platform for you. For your lightning talk, you need to present briefly the main/selling point (NOT to give a detailed talk), and to make your point fast and efficiently.
- The talk may be related to the conference theme or issues of interest to career development of Young Professionals. Examples include,
- The talk must be very short of about 90 seconds maximum.
- At most 5 talks will be presented in this short session.
- talk about your start-up’s or company’s product,
- a nifty algorithm trick,
- some thoughts triggered by presentations at the conference,
- if you are a student, share the highlight of your thesis project. If you already presenting a demo or poster at the WCNC 2017 conference, then summarize your idea in at most a slide and share with the audience.
- No hard and fast rule about the presentation format. You may choose to use slides or just speak directly to the audience.
- The best lightning talk presenter as decided by the audience will receive a prize.
- The winner would receive a monetary prize of $200.
- Speakers that desire to present lightning talks can sign up here on a first come first serve basis before (DEADLINE – February 24, 2017).
- Each speaker is permitted ONLY 90 seconds to speak and so if you decide to use slides, ONLY SINGLE SLIDE is recommended for the presentation.
- Speakers must be present at the start of the session or their slot will be forfeited to the next speaker signed up.
- Lightning talk competition will be held during the ComSoc Young Professionals luncheon event on Wednesday, March 22nd at WCNC 2017, in San Francisco, USA.
Everyone should be prepared for a fun, dynamic and entertaining session!
Sign up:
- Please send us an e-mail to with title “Lightning Talk Presenter” and the following details:
- Name
- Affiliation
- Position
- Title of Lightning Talk
- Contact e-mail